We are always with you to make your project
Honesty, integrity and diligence are the fundamental aspects qualifying every act or abstinence on the part of the board and senior management. They should act in good faith for and on behalf of the company and adopt the highest standards of personal ethics, integrity, confidentiality and discipline in dealing with all matters relating to the Company.
Any confidential information obtained during the course of their duty should not be used for any personal aggrandizement or financial gain to self or to a third party.
They shall not engage in any business, which is detrimental to the interests of the company. They shall maintain the confidentiality of all material and non-public information about the company or its business and must always act in the best interests of the Company and its stakeholders.
They Shall not accept any gifts, benefits in cash or in kind or other personal favours from the customers or from those seeking any business from the company and shall conduct the activities outside the Company in such manner as not to adversely affect the image or reputation of the Company.
They must obey existing local, state, national, and international laws unless there is a compelling ethical basis not to do so.
They shall strive to achieve the highest quality, effectiveness and dignity in their work and must accept social responsibilities for their acts.
They shall always abide by the Code of Conduct, and shall be accountable to the Board for their actions/violations/defaults.